In category Order Plugin
A simple and lightweight plugin to sort posts within a category using drag n` drop, which lets you order posts per category.
A simple and lightweight plugin to sort posts within a category using drag n` drop, which lets you order posts per category.
Contents Screenshots: What does it do? Features: Download: Usage: Change Log: Here is a new plugin which the main reason for creating was to take some old code of mine that i have been using in many sites and turn it in to a plugin created with Better Plugin Maker (which is another plugin which […]
Contents Screenshots: What does it do? How does it work? Features: Download: Usage: Change Log: So the Theme Framework I’m working on is coming along very nicely and in the past few weeks i converted some of its features to standalone plugins (like Custom Category Template, Custom taxonomy Template) and this one is a nice […]
ContentsScreenshots:What does it do?How does it work?Features:Download:Usage:ShortCodeChange Log: So i saw a question on WordPress Answers that asked how to display user specific content? and i remembered that i have coded something like this before, So after a few hours of search my code and snippets files I’ve found it, Fixed it up a bit […]