In category Order Plugin
A simple and lightweight plugin to sort posts within a category using drag n` drop, which lets you order posts per category.
A simple and lightweight plugin to sort posts within a category using drag n` drop, which lets you order posts per category.
This plugin lets you use commenting systems from Facebook, Google plus, Disqus or native WordPress comments in any combination of the four you can think of.
When creating custom post type (usually) i find myself having to write the same code over and over for adding or removing admin post listing columns and if you follow my stuff you know that its not my style 🙂 So i coded my self this helper class to simple add or remove admin admin […]
Background The Dashboard Widgets API idea fascinated me ever since Eric Mann suggested it on the Make Core blog which during that time I needed to create a dashboard widget for a private project and I found the current API to be more of a collection of functions then a proper API. I feel that […]