Social Comments plugin
This plugin lets you use commenting systems from Facebook, Google plus, Disqus or native WordPress comments in any combination of the four you can think of.
This plugin lets you use commenting systems from Facebook, Google plus, Disqus or native WordPress comments in any combination of the four you can think of.
Contents Screenshots: What does it do? Features: Download: Usage: Change Log: Here is a new plugin which the main reason for creating was to take some old code of mine that i have been using in many sites and turn it in to a plugin created with Better Plugin Maker (which is another plugin which […]
Lots of changes since the first version of advanced code editor came out and last week the plugin reached 30,000 download so i released a major updated with a few new feature to make it the best code editor for WordPress. Main Features: Mixed language Syntax highlighting (PHP,HTML,JavaScript and CSS) Smart Search (string or regex). […]